How to use the voucher to book your flight:
go to and specify all the search criteria (departure and arrival airport, departure and arrival date and number of passengers) and search.
choose the flight you prefer among those proposed and select it.
on the quote calculation page, fill in all passenger data, insert the voucher where required and click on "Apply".
complete all the required data and confirm your flight booking.
You can also use your voucher to book a flight+hotel package or a hotel stay. Here's how to do it:
go to; specify all the search criteria (destination and date of departure and return), select the "Flight+Hotel" tab if you wish to book a flight+hotel package or the "Hotel" tab if you wish to book a hotel stay and search.
choose the product you wish to book among those proposed and select it.
on the quote calculation page, fill in all the passenger data, insert the voucher where requested and click on "Apply"; complete all the requested data and confirm the booking of your trip.
This voucher is valid only for hotel stays or flight + hotel packages available on the website and for flights on the website The voucher can be used no later than the date indicated in the box above. The voucher is scalable, if the amount of your booking is less than the value of the voucher entered you will have a residual credit to use for your next bookings. The voucher cannot be used to book flights with "Guaranteed Coincidences". (top right, in the search results page). These solutions are offered by an external partner and therefore cannot be booked with vouchers. The voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers, promotions and cashback activities. It cannot be converted into money or transferred or sold in any way.
Volagratis eGift Cards are available from $25 to $250
Geographic restrictions apply. Review the Terms for details.