Buy Q8 eGift Cards
for your corporate gift card program

Available for use in ItalyItaly

A stack of Q8 gift cards. Q8

Q8 Corporate Gift Cards

Q8 Gift Cards make a perfect reward or incentive for your business rewards program.

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The Q8Ticketfuel voucher can be spent on the purchase of fuel and is redeemable at authorised Q8 service stations, including Q8easy stations.

The owner of the Q8Ticketfuel code can refuel at Q8 stations either in SERVITO mode, (by showing the 12-digit code to the operator), or in SELF mode, by showing the 12-digit code to the operator or, if the station is not attended, by entering the 12-digit code in the external terminal after choosing "Payment codes" as the payment method.

You can find a list of participating petrol stations at the link

Q8Ticketfuel vouchers are cumulative and fractionable and valid up to a maximum of 30 uses.

The remaining credit is visible on the receipt after each draw and there is no refund of the credit under any circumstances.

Geographic restrictions apply. Review the Terms for details.

Q8 Terms & Conditions
INFORMATION ABOUT Q8 TICKET FUEL The Q8 Ticket Fuel voucher allows the purchase of fuel and can be redeemed at Q8 enabled service stations, including Q8easy points of sale. You can find the list of participating service stations at The Q8 Ticket Fuel voucher is valid by the date indicated in the box above. Q8 Ticket Fuel vouchers can be used in several solutions on both "Self" and "Served" systems and are valid for several uses within a maximum of 30. In case of need, please contact RecardQ8 Customer Service: Email address: [email protected] Freephone number: 800 01 08 08 Be careful! In addition to the indicated date it will no longer be possible to spend the Gift Card.

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