BITSA Recharge Vouchers are the most convenient, fastest and safest way to recharge your BITSA Prepaid Card and BITSA YOUNG (the prepaid card dedicated to underage users aged between 14 and 17). Redeem your BITSA Recharge Voucher directly in the BITSA app or on and reload your Prepaid instantly! The value of the BITSA Recharge Voucher includes a 4% handling fee. With BITSA you can buy, send and receive money from anywhere in the world as long as you accept VISA. If you don't have a BITSA account yet, download the free BITSA app, available for iOS and Android devices and apply for your VISA Prepaid Card in Digital and/or Physical format!
Bitsa eGift Cards are available from $10 to $200
Geographic restrictions apply. Review the Terms for details.