Wagamama Terms & Conditions
- Gift cards are redeemable for products and merchandise in wagamama
restaurants in the United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland
- This card is redeemable for purchases made in restaurants but not for purchases
made online
- This card may not be exchanged for cash
- No change will be given but the balance may be applied to future purchases
- The gift card will expire 13 months from date of last use e.g. card activation,
purchase, top up or refund
- At expiry, any remaining balance will be lost
- Gift cards cannot be returned or refunded, except in accordance with your legal
- Please protect this card and treat it as cash it cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or
- wagamama cannot be held liable for gift cards, once activated, which are
subsequently lost, stolen or damaged
- If any product purchased with a gift card is exchanged or refunded, any money
owing will be added to the balance on the card
- Customers must be present with the gift card in order to make purchases in store
- wagamama reserves the right to refuse to accept a gift card which it deems to
have been tampered with, duplicated, damaged or which otherwise is suspected
to be affected from fraud
- wagamama reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to
time where it reasonably considers it necessary to do so (e.g. to change the scope
of the gift card service, notify of the service’s withdrawal or in the event of
circumstances beyond its control). Reasonable notice of such changes will be
given where possible.